“Would a gay shop owner decline service to someone because they were straight? No. “You flip her over for and she arches her back like…So you look down like…Pathetic.” 20) “Five minutes into photosynthesis and chill.” 19) “5 minutes into photosynthesis and chill.” 18) “When he fine but so are all of his friends: Why was I born a train.” 17) Funny dirty memes for tree huggers. “Dude, I swear I was just switching channels.” 16) Dr: Like, with another person? Me: Oh, then no.” 15) Funny dirty memes have gone to the dogs. “Dr: Are you sexually active? Me: Haha big time. “My doctor told me I’m low on vitamin ‘D’…So I need more D. “Do you like pizza? Cuz I want a pizza dat. I’ll until his soul is down my throat.” 12) Do you like dirty memes too? First of all, I’m disgusting and is a work of art. I can’t ride a heart.” 10) Gotta love funny dirty memes! Woman: If I could come that way, I wouldn’t need batteries.” 8) “Woman: Do you have any batteries? Clerk: Sure come this way (wiggles finger). Baby: I EAT FROM THOSE, BE MORE CONSIDERATE PHIL.” 6) “Baby: So u came on her breasts? Man: …It was an accident. “When she asks if you’re good in bed: Not the best but still good.” 5) Funny dirty memes for dads. “Are girls called chicks because they produce eggs or because they love ?” 4)

Does anyone see the problem here?” Hint: the thumbtack. When Ashley comes over tonight if things get serious, make sure you’re SAFE! Use this! P.S.

“Son, I know you have grown up now, and I’m proud of you. “When you a hoe and even your toothpaste knows what that mouth do.” 2) We scoured every dark corner of the web for dirty memes and I hope you enjoy this compilation of 71 funny memes! 1) Let the funny dirty memes begin! While some of these sexy memes cross the line and get pretty offensive, it’s all in good fun. Since then, we’ve seen cats playing the piano and tons of memes While there are plenty of clean memes, there are just as many dirty memes for adults that are just as funny. The World Wide Web was technically invented in 1989 by British scientist Tim Berners-Lee but it wasn’t until the late 90s that “going online” started to be mainstream.